Things the coroner might consider at the Pre-Inquest Review Below is a general list of all the matters that will be considered or decided during a PIRH Interested PersonsIf this hasn’t been decided already, the coroner will note who all the interested persons are and identify any other potential interested persons.Article 2 The coroner should confirm whether Article 2 of the European Convention of Human Rights (the right to life) is engaged. They will also decide if a jury is required for the final inquest. JuryThe coroner will decide if a jury is necessary for the final inquest. The function of the jury is to reach a finding of fact having heard all the evidence. Scope of the inquestThe coroner should provide you with their initial view of any issues they have identified so far. This will be a starting point for how wide of a scope the inquest will have, what information they are considering and if they require further information from any of the interested persons, or other agencies which may be involved. DisclosureThis is any evidence which the coroner receives which is relevant to the inquest. You are an interested person which gives you the right to have sight of disclosure. Some of it may have been shared with you in advance of the PIR. The coroner will also set deadlines for any outstanding documentation to be received by the coroner’s office. You can ask the coroner when you can expect disclosure to be shared with you if it hasn’t been already. WitnessesAs with the scope of the inquest, the coroner will provide you with a provisional list of witnesses that they intend to call to give evidence in person and witnesses whose evidence will be read/ summarised by the coroner. If there is anyone that you would prefer to give evidence in person, make this known to the coroner. The coroner does have quite a wide discretion to decide on witnesses but there is no harm in making your views known. ExpertsThe coroner may decide that an independent expert is needed to assist them with particular points of evidence. You can instruct an independent expert, but this is subject to funding. You can also make representations to the coroner if you think an independent expert is necessary. As with witnesses, the coroner has a wide discretion. If possible, ask for a copy of the letter of instruction, this is the letter which the coroner will send to the expert asking for their services and giving them terms of reference. Dates and timesThe coroner will establish when the final inquest hearing will be and/ or if any further pre-inquest reviews are necessary. They will note when it will be held, where it will be held (if a different location to the ordinary coroner’s court) and how long for.