INQUEST invites members of the INQUEST Lawyers Group (ILG) to register for this year’s online Annual Conference session: Case Law Update

Speakers: Camille Warren and Kate Stone of Garden Court North.

This is for ILG members only, to encourage participation and open discussion.

This is a paid for event and all funds go towards helping INQUEST’s vital work.

If you have any issues with booking please email: [email protected]

If you are attending more than one or all events you may wish to consider a multi-event booking at a discounted rate, available here.

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

Barristers and Law firms

Decrease Increase £30.00

Pupil Barristers and under three years in practice

Decrease Increase £20.00


Item Quantity Price

Optional donation

Decrease Increase £25.00

Optional donation

Decrease Increase £100.00