What do I include in my witness statement? Your statement can cover whatever information you think the coroner should know when making their investigations into how your loved one died. However, it can be very helpful for the coroner to know: 1. Who you are and how you are related to the person who has died2. Who the person is that has died The coroner is likely to have basic information about your family member from medical records or prison records. It can be important to write a paragraph about who they were, what their family was like, their personality and their hobbies. 3. What you know or remember about the circumstances of their death If your loved one died whilst in custody or detained in a hospital, you may only be able to talk about any communication you had with them by phone or when visiting. However, if they were living at home, you may be able to give a more detailed factual chronology as you remember it of the days, weeks or months leading up to the person’s death. The best way to approach this bit of the statement is often chronologically, writing what you remember. If someone else has told you information you want to include, you can include this as well, but it is always best to say “I was told by……” so that it is clear the information you have got from someone else. 4. What your concerns are An important part of the statement will be to set out the questions you or your family have about the death and any concerns about the treatment your loved one received prior to their death. 5. Statement of Truth You should end your statement with a statement of truth, something along the lines of: 'This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief' and signed and dated.