Inquest opens into the self-inflicted death of Colin Harding following contact with West Yorkshire Police and Greater Manchester Police 13 April 2018 Before HM Assistant Coroner Philip HoldenWest Yorkshire (Western Division) Coroner’s CourtBradford Combined Court, Drake St, Bradford BD1 1JAOpens 16 April 2018 at 10am expected to last until 25 April. An inquest into the death of Colin Harding, 39, opens on Monday 16 April. Was found hanging by a member of the public in Denholme, Bradford on 2 August 2015 following contact with West Yorkshire Police and Greater Manchester Police. Members of Colin’s family contacted West Yorkshire police on 31 July 2015 and reported him as a missing person raising concerns about Colin’s wellbeing. On 1 August, his family made further calls to police to communicate their fears for his safety and Greater Manchester Police officer did come into contact with Colin. Colin’s family hope the inquest will address whether the police appropriately risk assessed Colin’s vulnerability in the days leading up to his tragic death. Colin's family said:“The 48 hours leading to Colin’s death were very difficult for the family, and we want to ensure that any possible changes to policies, procedures and training that could have changed the outcome are implemented to try and reduce the risk of another family having to go through the same pain. The last 2 years and 8 months have been incredibly difficult, and we are all hoping that the inquest will give us some answers.” Deborah Coles, Executive Director of INQUEST said: “We are seeing an increase in the number of cases raising concerns about the police response to highly vulnerable missing persons. We hope this inquest presents an opportunity for the police at a local and national level to review their policies and practice in this regard in the hope of safeguarding lives in the future.” ENDS NOTES TO EDITORS For more information contact Lucy McKay on [email protected] or 020 7263 1111. The family is represented by INQUEST Lawyers Group members Gemma Vine of Minton Morrill Solicitors and Sarah Hemmingway of Garden Court Chambers. Please note the family will not be making any further comment until the conclusion of the inquest.