What is a Pen Portrait A pen portrait is a way to commemorate a loved one who has died. It can help humanise the inquest, putting the family and their loved one at the heart of the process. In some inquests, if you have written a statement then it is unlikely you will also need to write a pen portrait.If your family have not written a statement, you may want to ask the coroner to allow a pen portrait to be read or played at the inquest. A pen portrait will help the coroner (and jury) to know something of your loved one – what they did, their interests and hobbies and details of their circle of family and friends. It is becoming increasingly common for families to submit pen portraits in video format which include images, videos and music. These are usually 2-5 minutes long. In July 2021 the Chief Coroner published guidance on the use of pen portraits at inquests. You can find the full guidance here. Coroners are encouraged to accept pen portraits that are provided by the family, particularly where there is a jury or in cases where a coroner is sitting alone but there are interested persons present. As well as a pen portrait, you can also ask to show a photograph of your loved one at the inquest. Families are encouraged to ask the coroner at any pre-inquest review hearings if they wish to submit a pen portrait but it will be for the coroner to decide if and when is to be shown or read.