News News NEWS: New The Law in 60 Seconds video demands legal aid for inquests 7 February 2022 INQUEST is campaigning for access to justice for bereaved families, including through our long running Legal Aid for Inquests campaign. Today we launch a new video outlining the urgent need for change, in collaboration with The Law in 60 Seconds and Young Legal Aid Lawyers. We are calling for automatic non-means tested publicly funded advice for bereaved people from the day of a death at all inquests involving the state and corporate bodies. The launch of this video follows the news of partial success in the campaign, with the removal of the means test on legal aid in some cases. However, the video is a reminder that this change is not enough for so many families bereaved by state related deaths. Today, the House of Lords will discuss the Judicial Review and Courts Bill, in which proposed amendments to enact legal aid for inquests have been made. Learn more in our Joint Briefing with JUSTICE and INQUEST Lawyers Group. We ask for your support in sharing the video and continuing to sign and share the petition, to help spread the word and push for access to justice for bereaved people. SIGN THE PETITION