11th May 2012

The inquest into the death of Paul Murphy is due to commence on Monday 14thMay 2012, at Lincoln Crown Court, The Castle, Castle Hill, Lincoln LN1 3GA,before HM Coroner for Lincoln, Stuart Fisher.

Paul was 39 years old when he died on 13 June 2008 after being found hanging in his cell at HMP Lincoln.  He had been moved to the Vulnerable Prisoners Wing as he had got into debt with other prisoners and feared reprisals. On 12 June he was made subject to his third ACCT document (Assessment, Care in Custody, and Teamwork – the system used for prisoners who are at risk of self harm) after expressing further fears of harm from others, displaying paranoid behaviour and threatening to cut his wrists. Overnight he was subject to minimal checks and not placed in a safer cell.

Paul’s family hope that the inquest will explore the quality of the care he received on 12/13 June, and any possible links with a prison officer suspended the following month, and ultimately dismissed, for trafficking drugs and mobile phones within the prison.

The inquest is scheduled to last for two weeks.
