5th September 2014

Inquest into the death of Steven Davison in HMP YOI Glen Parva, Leicester starts on Monday 8 September 2014

Monday 8th September at 10am

Leicester Coroner’s Court

The Town Hall, Town Hall Square



Before Assistant Coroner Martin Gotheridge

Steven Davison died on 29 September 2013 whilst a prisoner at HMP YOI Glen Parva, aged 21.  He was highly vulnerable with a history of serious mental health issues and had recently spent time in a psychiatric hospital.  Steven was remanded in custody on 13 June 2013.  This was his first time in prison.  He was monitored on the ACCT procedure from 14 June 2013 until 6 August 2013.  Following a further incident of self harm and a distressing telephone call, his level of risk was not reviewed and he was found hanging in his cell on the afternoon of 29 September 2013.

Steven’s Inquest is the first Inquest to take place since the Chief Inspector of Prisons report following the unannounced inspection of HMP YOI Glen Parva 31 March to 14 April 2014 took place.  The critical report was published August 2014 and noted that the number of Assessment, Care and Custody and Teamwork (ACCT) case management documents opened for prisoners at risk of suicide or self harm had increased by 32% over the last year at HMP YOI Glen Parva and was high.

The report also noted the self inflicted death of another young man two months following this unannounced inspection.  There have been a total of 8 self inflicted deaths of young people at HMP YOI Glen Parva since 2010.

Steven’s family hope that the Inquest will be able to address the serious questions and concerns that they have about the care and treatment Steven received from HMP YOI Glen Parva in the period before his death, including the adequacy of the prison’s response and management of Steven’s risk and mental health needs.

  •  The training of disciplinary and health staff in respect of suicide and self harm prevention procedures at the prison
  •  The monitoring of Steven on the day of his death
  • The adequacy of the prison’s response when Steven was found hanging in his cell. 

Lynda and Jeffery Davison, Steven’s parents said: 

“All we wanted was for Steven to be looked after.  We are hoping the Inquest will finally give us some answers as to our questions”

Deborah Coles, co-director of INQUEST said:

“That Steven is one of eight young people to have taken their own lives in Glen Parva raises serious concerns about the way the prison manages vulnerable people in their own care. Questions must also be asked about what action has been taken by the prison in response to previous deaths and recommendations.”

INQUEST has been working with the family of Steven Davison since 14 October 2013. The family is represented by INQUEST Lawyers Group members Fiona Borrill of Lester Morrill Solicitors and barrister Jude Bunting of Doughty Street Chambers.


Notes to editors:

  1. Self Inflicted Deaths at HMP YOI Glen Parva since 2010

Greg Revell                     11/06/2014

Steven Davison               29/09/13

Njie Ebrima                     18/04/13

M*** H ***                    13/12/11

Christopher Neale           19/11/11

Riliwanu Balogan             16/05/11

James Edge                    25/12/10

Bartosz Okragly              24/05/10

The Chief Inspector of Prisons report can be found at here

For further information, please contact: Anita Sharma on 020 7263 1111 or [email protected]