Has someone in your family died in prison, police custody, or in mental health or immigration detention? We may be able to help.

We provide free and independent advice to bereaved families on the inquest process and related investigations following a death in state detention or care in England and Wales.

When can we help?

Our specialist casework team can help you navigate the legal processes, explore options for legal representation and funding, and work with you and your family to engage meaningfully in the post-death investigation and inquest.

Get in touch if your loved one died

  • in prison (including Young Offender Institutions and Secure Training Centres)
  • in police custody or following recent police contact
  • in immigration detention
  • in mental health facilities as either a voluntary or detained inpatient
  • in a state funded care setting and had a learning disability and/or autism.
Where the death appears to be from a natural cause in a detention setting, we will only be able to assist in exceptional circumstances and dependent on our capacity at the time 

We are not able to advise on matters relating to medical malpractice. We suggest contacting Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) or seeking other sources of support.

If the death of your loved one does not fall into one of the above categories, we unfortunately won’t be able to offer specialist support. However, we have a range of resources to help you:


Frequently asked questions

Other support organisations

Get in touch

If your loved one died in one of the above circumstances,

1.     Complete our Help and Advice form

2.     Call us on 020 7263 1111 (open Tuesday and Thursday only from 10am to 3.30pm)

  • option 1 for new enquiries advice line open Tuesday and Thursday only (from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 3.30pm)
  • option 2 if you have already opened a case with INQUEST

Please include all upcoming urgent dates such as inquest hearings, post-mortem or date of death when contacting us. 

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