Research Briefings and submissions Inquests and Investigations Statutory Inquiries Committee: inquiry into the law and practice of the Inquiries Act 2005 The House of Lords Statutory Inquiries Committee opened an inquiry to "consider the efficacy of the law and practice relating to the Inquiries Act 2005”. INQUEST's submission outlines four key recommendations we believe would improve the Act for bereaved families and victims of state failure, including the establishment of a National Oversight Mechanism and a statutory duty of candour. DOWNLOAD The Coroner Service: follow-up: INQUEST responds to Justice Committee inquiry The Justice Committee launched a follow-up to its inquiry into the Coroner Service. INQUEST welcomes this follow-up and hopes it will provide useful examination of the government’s progress in improving the Coroner Service since the committee’s call for “major reforms”. However, INQUEST believes a reluctance to engage in greatly needed reform still leaves too many bereaved families poorly served, undermining their trust and confidence in the process. DOWNLOAD Criminal Justice Bill 2023: INQUEST, JUSTICE and Hillsborough Law Now Campaign's briefing for second reading Clause 73 of the Criminal Justice Bill 2023 would create a duty of candour on the police. However, we do not believe the duty as put forward in this Bill goes far enough to meet the needs of bereaved families. DOWNLOAD Ministry of Justice consultation on Fixed Recoverable Costs: INQUEST Lawyers' Group and INQUEST response The Government is planning to extend the Fixed Recoverable Cost (FRC) regime to more areas of law. FRCs set the amount the winning party can claim back in civil litigation. INQUEST Lawyers' Group and INQUEST are concerned about the possible implications of changes to the FRC regime with regard to bereaved families’ access to legal representation and justice. DOWNLOAD Victims and Prisoners Bill 2023: INQUEST, JUSTICE and Hillsborough Law Now Campaign briefing The Victims and Prisoners Bill 2023 Part 2 would create an Independent Public Advocate to provide support to the bereaved or injured following a major incident. INQUEST, JUSTICE and the Hillsborough Law Now Campaign believe the Bill falls well short of the commitments owed to bereaved families and survivors. DOWNLOAD Legal Aid Means Test Review: INQUEST response The Ministry of Justice launched a review of the means test for civil and criminal legal aid. INQUEST's response welcomes proposals to remove the means test for legal help for cases which relate to a potential breach of the Human Rights Act. However, we strongly urge the Ministry of Justice to extend this proposal to ensure automatic, non-means tested legal aid or other public funding is available for all bereaved families at inquests where state bodies are involved. DOWNLOAD Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill: Amendment on a statutory duty of candour, JUSTICE & INQUEST joint briefing JUSTICE and INQUEST have briefed Members of Parliament to agree to Lords’Amendment 71 to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill which would establish a statutory duty of candour on the police. This would go some way to addressing JUSTICE and INQUEST’s concerns about the delay and pain to bereaved persons caused by institutional defensiveness of public bodies in inquests and inquiries. DOWNLOAD Judicial Review and Courts Bill: INQUEST Briefings The Judicial Review and Courts Bill currently proposes some problematic reforms to the coronial system which INQUEST is seeking to challenge. It also currently misses the opportunity the Bill presents to introduce provision for legal funding for bereaved families at inquests, to create a fairer process. This briefing for MPs outlines, using INQUEST's evidence from bereaved families, key concerns and questions to raise at the second reading debate. INQUEST Briefing: Second Reading in the House of Commons (October 2021) DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on funding for bereaved families at inquests: Committee Stage in the House of Commons (October 2021) DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on Part 2, Chapter 4, clauses 37, 38 & 39: Committee Stage in the House of Commons (October 2021) DOWNLOAD Joint INQUEST letter to the Judicial Review and Courts Bill Committee on funding for bereaved families at inquests (November 2021) DOWNLOAD Joint Briefing from INQUEST and JUSTICE: Report Stage in the House of Commons (January 2022) DOWNLOAD Joint Briefing from INQUEST and JUSTICE: Second Reading in the House of Lords (February 2022) DOWNLOAD Joint Briefing from INQUEST and JUSTICE: Report stage in the House of Lords (March 2022) DOWNLOAD Justice Committee inquiry on The future of legal aid This inquiry aims to look ahead to the future of legal aid, to identify the major challenges facing clients and providers and how they might be tackled. The inquiry is especially keen to hear about the sustainability of the legal aid market, the impact of Covid-19 and the increasing reliance on digital technology to deliver legal advice and court services. INQUEST Submission (November 2020) DOWNLOAD Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry on Black people, racism and human rights The Joint Committee will investigate what has impeded progress in addressing racial inequalities, and ask whether changes in the organisations charged with monitoring equality and human rights issues are required. INQUEST Submission (September 2020) DOWNLOAD Justice Committee Inquiry on the Coroners Service The Committee’s inquiry will examine the effectiveness and capacity of the Coroner Service and whether enough progress has been made since the 2009 changes in improving bereaved people’s experience of the Coroner Service. INQUEST Submission (September 2020) DOWNLOAD INQUEST Family Submission (September 2020) DOWNLOAD INQUEST Supplementary Evidence (February 2021) DOWNLOAD INQUEST briefing to MPs on Westminster Hall debate on Justice Committee's report on the Coroner Service (October 2021) DOWNLOAD Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry on The government’s response to COVID-19: human rights implications The Committee is examining the Government’s actions in response to COVID-19 to ensure that its approach is compliant with human rights – not least the right to life (Article 2 ECHR). INQUEST Submission (July 2020) DOWNLOAD INQUEST briefing on COVID-19: Protecting people in places of custody and detention In this briefing we outline immediate areas of concern in relation to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and our areas of expertise. INQUEST Briefing (March 2020) DOWNLOAD Ministry of Justice consultation on establishing an Independent Public Advocate INQUEST has serious concerns about the current proposals for an Independent Public Advocate (IPA). As it stands, the proposal for an IPA risks further diluting the voices and power of bereaved families and survivors. INQUEST submission December 2018 DOWNLOAD Immigration detention inquiry Joint Committee on Human Rights examines whether current legal and policy frameworks are sufficient in preventing people being detained wrongfully and whether current practices in the detention system protect human rights. INQUEST Submission September 2018 DOWNLOAD Briefing on Independent Investigations: The current system is not enough On the investigation of deaths in mental health settings, a briefing prepared to inform debate around 'Seni's Law', the Mental Health (Use of Force) Act. INQUEST Briefing, July 2018 DOWNLOAD Ministry of Justice call for evidence on legal aid for inquests The Ministry of Justice invited bereaved families, lawyers and organisations to answer specific questions on the inquest system for their review of legal aid for inquests. INQUEST Submission August 2018 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Lawyers Group Submission September 2018 DOWNLOAD Human Rights: attitudes to enforcement inquiry Joint Committee on Human Rights examines factors which may impede individuals from using the UK's human rights framework effectively. Oral evidence from witnesses: Deborah Coles, Sara Ryan, Richard Huggins, Louise Rowland and Simon Rowland 7 March 2018 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Submission March 2018 DOWNLOAD INQUEST report of the Family Listening Day for the Independent Police Complaints Commission The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), now the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), asked INQUEST to facilitate a family listening day to gather evidence to inform its on-going process of gathering feedback from those who have been involved in an investigation following a death, in March 2017. INQUEST Family Listening Day Report March 2018 DOWNLOAD CQC Review of Investigations into Deaths in NHS Trusts 2016 This Care Quality Commission Review examines how NHS trusts identify, investigate and learn from the deaths of people who are under their care. INQUEST Submission October 2016 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Family Listening Day Report October 2016 DOWNLOAD Post-implementation Review of the Coroner Reforms in the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 This Ministry of Justice review analyses whether the coroner reforms are operating as planned and whether there have been any unintended consequences. INQUESTs response acknowledges the positive advances, such as the appointment of the Chief Coroner, but also draws attention to other changes necessary to ensure the coronial system is fair, effective and one that prompts institutional learning. INQUEST Response to the Consultation December 2015 DOWNLOAD Mental Capacity and the Deprivation of Liberty 2015 The Law Commission reviews the Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). The consultation paper contains provisional proposals for the reform of the law. INQUEST and INQUEST Lawyers’ Group Response to the Consultation November 2015 DOWNLOAD Health and Social Care in Prisons and Young Offender Institutions, and Health Care in Immigration Removal Centres 2015 This Care Quality Commission report investigates healthcare regulation in secure settings INQUEST Submission March 2015 DOWNLOAD The Impact of INQUEST's Service on Families' Experiences: An Analysis 2010-2013 This INQUEST report analyses the impact of its service delivery over the previous three years. It examines whether INQUEST had achieved its objectives of improving bereaved family members’ understanding of their rights, where to access quality advice and support and increased ability to participate in the inquest and investigation system. INQUEST Report December 2013 DOWNLOAD Transforming Legal Aid: Delivering a More Credible and Efficient System 2013 Consultation produced by the Ministry of Justice setting out the Government's proposals for further reforms to reduce the cost the legal aid system in England and Wales. INQUEST and INQUEST Lawyers Response June 2013 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing for Parliamentary Debate July 2013 DOWNLOAD CPS Right to Review Consultation 2013 This consultation explores out how victims can give effect to their right to seek a review of certain decisions taken by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). INQUEST Submission September 2013 DOWNLOAD Independent Police Complaints Commission Review: Cases Involving a Death 2013 A review established by the Independent Police Complaints Commission to engage with all of those who have experience of the IPCC's work investigating deaths, including their critics, to increase public confidence in this important area of the IPCC's work. INQUEST Response Form February 2013 DOWNLOAD Independent Police Complaints Commission: Sean Rigg External Review 2013 The review, conducted by Dr Silvia Casale with the support of James Lewis QC and Martin Corfe, focuses on ways to improve the system and the IPCC’s work by learning from the past in order to prevent a recurrence of what tragically happened to Mr Rigg. INQUEST Submission February 2013 DOWNLOAD Judicial Review: Proposals to Reform 2012 This Ministry of Justice paper which sets out proposals for reform, and seeks views on three areas: the time limit for bringing proceedings; applying for permission to bring a claim; and fees for Judicial Review proceedings. INQUEST Response January 2013 DOWNLOAD Inquiry into the Independent Police Complaints Commission 2013 Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into the IPCC finds that the Commission is overloaded with appeal cases; serious cases involving police corruption or misconduct are left under-investigated, while the Commission devotes resources to less serious complaints; and public trust continues to be undermined by the IPCC’s dependence on former officers and the investigative resources of police forces. Examination of Witnesses, Deborah Coles and Marcia Rigg (see evidence 15) January 2013 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Submission July 2012 DOWNLOAD Inadmissibility of Intercept Evidence at Inquests 2012 Backbench Business Committee debate introduced by David Lammy MP 18th October 2012. INQUEST Briefing for Backbench Debate October 2012 DOWNLOAD Independent Advisory Panel This report for the Independent Advisory Panel focuses on bereaved families whose relatives died whilst detained under the Mental Health Act. It brings together key themes from the day including family suggestions for improvements to the system. It was presented along with an IAP paper to the Ministerial Board on 7 February 2012. INQUEST Family Listening Day September 2011 DOWNLOAD Coroners and Justice Act 2009 Briefings on the Coroners and Justice Bill (CJB) and the implementation of the Act. FAQs on Coronial Reform November 2011 DOWNLOAD INQUEST & Royal British Legion Briefing on Amendments to Public Bodies Bill - House of Commons November 2011 DOWNLOAD Response to Consultation Paper CP 5/2011 'The Draft Charter for the Current Coroner Service' August 2011 DOWNLOAD Briefing on Inquest Delays and Coronial Reform - House of Lords July 2011 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Response to the Green Paper on Legal Aid February 2011 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on the Public Bodies Bill 2010 on Proposals to Abolish the post of Chief Coroner - Committee Stage House of Lords November 2010 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on the Public Bodies Bill 2010 on Proposals to Abolish the post of Chief Coroner - Second Reading House of Lords November 2010 DOWNLOAD INQUEST, Liberty & JUSTICE Joint Briefing Considering Amendments to CJB on Secret Inquiries - House of Commons & House of Lords November 2009 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing and Suggested Amendments to CJB - Report Stage House of Lords October 2009 DOWNLOAD INQUEST, Liberty and JUSTICE Joint Proposed Amendments to CJB on the Admissibility of Intercept Evidence - Report Stage House of Lords October 2009 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on the Coroners and Justice Bill - Committee Stage House of Lords June 2009 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Joint Draft Proposed Amendments to CJB on the Admissibility of Intercept Evidence & the Relationship Between Inquests & Public Inquiries May 2009 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on the CJB 2009 - Second Reading House of Lords 15 May 2009 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on the CJB 2009 - Second Reading House of Lords 5 May 2009 DOWNLOAD INQUEST, Liberty & JUSTICE Joint Briefing on Clauses 11-12 of the CJB April 2009 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on the CJB - Third Reading and Report for House of Commons March 2009 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on the CJB February 2009 DOWNLOAD Counter Terrorism Act 2008 Briefings on the Counter Terrorism Bill (CTB). INQUEST urges peers to support moves to introduce a new clause into the CTB to amend the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2005 (RIPA). This amendment is necessary for the inquest into the police shooting of Azelle Rodney (April 2005) to take place. INQUEST Briefing on Amending RIPA for the CTB - House of Commons November 2008 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on CTB - Committee Stage House of Lords October 2008 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on Amending RIPA for Report Stage of CTB November 2008 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on CTB Committee Stage - House of Commons April 2008 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on Proposals for 'Secret' Inquests in the CTB April 2008 DOWNLOAD Coroners and Death Certification Bill 2008 This Bill proposes to deliver an improved system of death investigation for families so that they can be assured that the cause of death of their relative has been properly established and that, where possible, lessons can be learned to prevent future deaths. INQUEST Briefing on the Need for a Coroners and Death Certification Bill November 2008 DOWNLOAD INQUEST Briefing on Coroners Reform June 2008 DOWNLOAD Independent Police Complaints Commission Stock Take Consultation 'Building on Experiences' 2008 The report checks how well the system is delivering against the original aspirations, whether those aspirations are still appropriate in the current environment and to continue to improve the system based on evidence and learning from the last four years operation. INQUEST Response October 2008 DOWNLOAD Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 Companies and organisations can be found guilty of corporate manslaughter as a result of serious management failures resulting in a gross breach of a duty of care under this new legislation. INQUEST Policy Briefing January 2007 DOWNLOAD Stephen Lawrence Inquiry 1998 This inquiry focuses on the deaths of black and minority ethnic people in custody. INQUEST's submission examines the main issues around Stephen's death and looks at the investigative process, policy development and racially-motivated crimes. INQUEST Submission 1998 DOWNLOAD Prison Inspectorate's Thematic Review on Suicides and Self-Harm in Prison 1999 This thematic review, by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons for England and Wales, explores how to best assist and support; prisoners who may be at risk of self-harm and suicide; the next of kin of prisoners who appear to have committed suicide; and staff and prisoners affected by the above. INQUEST Submission 1998 DOWNLOAD